PMI Chapter Xchange Event: Project Managers as Strategic Leaders.



PMI Chapter Xchange Event

Project Managers as Strategic Leaders.

Project managers serve as the linchpins of project execution, orchestrating the intricate dance of timelines, resources, and objectives. But beyond the tactical realm lies a higher plane of leadership — that of the strategic visionary. In this elevated role, project managers transcend the mere mechanics of task delegation and progress tracking to become architects of organizational success.

At the heart of strategic leadership is a deep understanding of the broader context in which projects operate. Project managers must possess a keen awareness of industry trends, market dynamics, and competitive landscapes. Armed with this knowledge, they can chart a course that aligns project objectives with overarching business goals, ensuring that every task undertaken contributes meaningfully to the organization's bottom line.

In essence, project managers who embrace their role as strategic leaders transcend the confines of their job titles to become catalysts for organizational transformation. They navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape with wisdom and foresight, guiding their teams toward a future filled with possibility and promise.

Join us for a thought-provoking panel discussion as we explore the critical question: What is the role of PM as Strategic leader?

This is a #pmichapterXchange collaborative event of 30-way collaboration between the PMI Chapters of; Mumbai, Netherlands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Phoenix, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Gujarat, Lima Peru, Southern Alberta, Sao Paulo, Kenya, Ghana, Greece, Puget Sound, Poland, Alaska, United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Cameroon, Luxembourg, Turkiye, PMI Jalisco, PMI Taipei; Madrid Spain; PMI Malaysia, PMI Vietnam and PMI Mangolia!

In discussion with, PMI Guayas and PMI Galicia.

This event is open to everyone, regardless of your experience or expertise in project management. We encourage you to join us for this exciting and informative discussion.

#PMIChapterXchange #PMIcXpS5E4


  Name LinkedIn Profile Country
Guest Speaker Dr. Danny Chung Hongkong
Panelist Marie-Rose DAYA TCHANGOUM Cameroon
Panelist Dr. Mohammad Ichsan Indonesia
Panelist Richard Woodham Luxembourg
Panelist Oyunbileg Erendoo Mongolia
Panelist Cindy Wells Puget Sound, USA


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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Special Events

Date: May 17th, 2024

Hour: 6:00AM to 8:00AM

# of PDUs: 1.5


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
